Data Modeling for NoSQL and SQL
  Theodore Hills   Theodore S Hills
Senior Ontologist
Concepts and Objects LLC


Monday, March 18, 2019
08:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Level:  Advanced

The venerable entity-relationship (E-R) modeling technique is very mature for SQL databases but doesn't translate well to many of the NoSQL databases. This interactive workshop will introduce the Concept and Object Modeling Notation (COMN, pronounced "common"), an emerging modeling technique that has been described as a "breakthrough", a "game changer", and "the future of data modeling". COMN can represent the new structures that NoSQL DBMSs support, while still supporting traditional SQL DBMSs. It also has more expressive power for modeling the real-world entities that databases are about.


Topics to be covered include:

  • Modeling notation for containment and multi-valued attributes
  • How to model schema-less databases
  • How to model the problem space and the solution space, and the mapping between them


As an author, speaker, consultant, and data management executive, Ted Hills helps businesses get the most value out of their data. Ted is both an advanced theorist and a committed pragmatist, with grounding in software and systems development. His book, "NoSQL and SQL Data Modeling," promises to change how we represent data, moving from the rigid, prescriptive world of SQL databases to the more fluid domains of Big Data and NoSQL. Ted’s deep experience with large data projects in multiple industries and knowledge of new and established technologies give him perspective and insight into how an organization can maximize its existing investments while leveraging new technologies.